Thursday, October 23, 2008


Good Talent, Goes FAR!!

If you read my blog, or maybe no one does, and I am just talking to myself!? LOL! You probably saw, the Flyer I did, for the Twins Ricky & Dee's Birthday Party! Well apparently, it was seen by some good eyes, because a Woman from 55DSL contacted me telling me she loved my artwork and wants me to design the flyer for the new pop up store in Orange County! This is major for me because 55DSL is owned by Diesel and this flyer will be seen by a lot of people, people all over the world. I have been feeling like giving up lately, and people take my artwork for granted, or not to be creative enough to get paid for. This is just a blessing, and I am very happy that I am working with such a big company. I must say Thanks to Dee for showing off my flyer! I know he believes in my work!! Whoohoo! So this is just the background I designed for the flyer, it is not yet done, but I love how it looks so far!


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